Dips & Condiments Domitille Boulin Dips & Condiments Domitille Boulin


One of my favoured recipes is without a doubt this homemade Tzatziki. Cucumbers, greek yogurt, fresh mint & olive oil are mixed together for a creamy & refreshing finish that will be sure to keep your guests coming for more.

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Dips & Condiments, Apps & Sides Domitille Boulin Dips & Condiments, Apps & Sides Domitille Boulin

Whipped Ricotta & Roasted Squash

Some ingredients were made to be paired together which is the case in this Whipped Ricotta & Roasted Squash recipe. Topped with different varieties of roasted squash, the whipped ricotta base is garnished with a swirl of olive oil and a mix of herbs & spices. The perfect hassle-free and mouth-watering entrée to start-off the festivities!

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